The Heads At Last, is a colaboration with Simon Price from the band. This was a very strange sleeve on first viewing and the vinyl in particular. The first time I laid eyes on it it was dark and under house light I was disappointed to see the women in the centre appeared as a negative state, I questioned that I had got the wrong tones around the wrong way.
Then in daylight, I realised I had not as the women in the centre appeared in positive, it was just a simple trick of the eye with what can only be described as I used 2 of the most clashing colours to the eye. A great way to make a flat sleeve vibrate an other 60's trick of optical art.
The LP on Rocket Recordings, came as a rare limited Blue & white and red & white sleeve that were given to the band only, the rest were as standard Red & blue.
Expect some posters of these in the future, but with a twist.
Expect some posters of these in the future, but with a twist.